ITD conducted a detailed traffic analysis of I-84 in 2018. ITD analyzed whether or not a new interchange would be needed along I-84 between Nampa and Caldwell. The analysis concluded widening I-84 and improving existing interchanges at Karcher/Midland (in Nampa) and Franklin Road (in Caldwell) will serve the needs of traffic beyond the design year 2045.
ITD has replaced the Ustick Road Overpass and Notus Canal Bridge.
Replacing the overpass allowed for additional lanes to be built on I-84 and was part of ITD's improvements to the I-84 corridor in Caldwell. Construction on the overpass began in May 2021 and was complete by summer of 2023. El reemplazo del paso elevado permitió que se construyeran carriles adicionales en la I-84 y el paso elevado es parte de las mejoras de ITD al corredor I-84 en Caldwell. La construcción del paso elevado comenzó en mayo de 2021 y se completó en el verano de 2023.